Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Landscape Plan

The night we got home after signing off the building contract I finally sat down to do the landscape plan. I had started it about 10 times but just couldn't get my head around the size of the yard, sounds silly as we wanted 1/2 acre and then I couldn't for the life of me work out how to fill the bloody thing up! Anyway I put in Jacaranda trees at the front with a hedge of lilly pilly and agapanthus across the front on either side of the post and rail fence. I have a beautiful standard Azalea in a wine barrel that I will plant in the front of the bedroom windows and we will turf it with buffalo. We are having a chook shed for the 5 chickens and vegie garden down the back. My mum is giving me some trees from her house and one of them is a Mulberry Tree so that will definately go near the chook shed for shade. We just have to work out how to dig them up and transport them 3 hours without killing them. I can't wait to move into the house but we have a lot of work to do outside once we get there, but it will be fun starting from scratch. I have submitted my plan but haven't heard back if its suitable or not so fingers crossed x
Mulberry Tree - hopefully ours will look like that in a few years
Cherry Tree - 2 are going down the back in front of the Chook Shed

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