Standing on the alfresco looking out
From the back corner and the mulberry tree
We have been planting a lot of trees, when we purchased the block about 20 saplings were planted a long the side fence in 3 rows. I have removed 1 entire row as it was just ridiculous, too many gum trees and once they grew would be too many for our block. I have been replacing the other 2 rows with deciduous trees and fruit trees.. Up in the back corner I have planted 2 apple trees, a lemon tree and what I thought was a cherry tree that I transplanted from my mums house but there is one round thing growing and its way to big to be a cherry so it will be a surprise ha ha. We planted a Golden Elm on the front corner of our block, once it gets bigger it should give us a bit of shade to the western side of the house and hopefully be a bit of protection if anyone misses the corner, fingers crossed that never happens. I'm really enjoying the planting of trees and spending a whole day outside fiddling about.
One of the Apple Trees
I look forward to when we finish the turf and I have a huge garden on the side of the driveway to be completed, I had the dirt delivered weeks ago but just haven't had a chance to level it all out, it's 6 cubic meters for one garden!!!!! I need some boy muscles to help me, we are going to give it a go of an afternoon after work I want it finished before my daughters 18th in 2 weeks time, fingers crossed.